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Sunday, March 6, 2011

Small Steps for big change!

I love love love looking at fitness magazines! My favorites are Oxygen, and Shape Magazine! They always offer good advice and inspire me with  various ways to stay in shape and  stay on top of my healthy eating.
I was looking at my oxygen magazine and it offers these small changes in your routines that can make a difference in your body! When it comes to losing weight or toning up, you sometimes don't realize the differences that the littlest decisions can make.

Here are FIVE tips to remember:
  1. When Climbing stairs climb TWO steps at a time!- It provides greater muscular benefit and burns more calories.
  2. Map our your plate- meaning "take a moment to mentally separate your dinner plate into sections can help you visualize how acceptable serving sizes look. “Break” your plate in half; fill one of these sides with vegetables and whole grains. Split the other half into two once again; one of these sections will hold your lean protein serving while the other is the perfect size for a serving of healthy fats".
  3. Add an extra five Minutes to your work out routine. If you normally do 30 minutes on the treadmill, add and extra five minutes at the end of each workout. So, if you work out 6 days a week, with the five minutes added on that's an extra full cardio workout added on at the end of your week!
  4. Try a new, exotic food each week. Trying a new food each week can help to relieve the mediocrity of dieting. The same old foods can get boring!
  5. Do an exercise backwards-"Try focusing on the eccentric motion of each rep – the part where your target muscle lengthens. For example, as you are doing a biceps curl, slowly return the weight to the starting position, fighting gravity, instead of letting your arms swing to the bottom.
    Why? Your muscles are actually able to move more weight during the eccentric portion of a lift – up to 40 percent more – than during the concentric portion (when your muscle shortens to move a load, like when you flex your arm)".